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Monday, February 27, 2006

Anglicans and Caterpillar

A round-up of my postings on this topic...

When the Anglican Consultative Council passed a divestment resolution in June 2005 I wrote this in response. The follow-up was an open letter to Rowan Williams.

My initial reaction to the General Synod vote is here. I then took satirical aim at Rowan Williams here, with a follow-up here.

To balance things up a little, here is Rowan Williams saying the kind of thing he ought to be saying a lot more often.

This longish post on the singling out of Israel was written in response to an article by a Jewish leftist, but is no less pertinent to the Anglicans' stance.

Good stuff from other blogs:-

Ruth Gledhill of the Times

Melanie Phillips, and again quoting the Church of England Newspaper's editorial

Oliver Kamm on Paul Oestreicher (see especially the link to an earlier post at the end)

Norman Geras responding to Paul Oestreicher

Another, very personal, reaction to Paul Oestreicher (via)

September 2006: Rowan Williams' signing of a joint Declaration with the Chief Rabbis of Israel marks an important change for the better. I covered it here.

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